Electro Entrapment - Alpha

This was the first time we had playtesting feedback in a while, so this week's iteration saw quite a few changes. Some of our existing mechanics went through significant modification. First, instead of having coils generate electricity as soon as they're placed down, we gave players the ability to activate their electric fields on command. This makes tricking and surprising other players a more realistic option. Second, we changed the melee attack from a small, forward-facing taser to a large, area-of-effect tackle. Activating the melee attack also makes the player dash. This new dashing mechanic offers the player more options when attacking and defending. Finally, we changed our scoring system to a hybrid life and point system. Players earn points by zapping other players and lose points when they're zapped. If a player loses too many points, then they're out of the game. This adds more drama to the game; dying has more consequence, and comebacks are more feasible.

We added a few new mechanics to the game as well. We laid water channels out on the map. These water channels conduct the electricity players place down. This spices up the player's zone control options. We also added teleporters to the map. The game relies heavily on moving around the map, and these teleporters provide an additional movement option. With this iteration, many of our core mechanics are starting to shape up nicely. For the future, a high priority is to add more appealing aesthetics to the game. For instance, the players need better sprites or models, and the scene transitions could be juicier. We also want to experiment with the water mechanic, like creating a wider variety of water container shapes. Finally, we want to implement a results screen that gives players interesting information about their match.


ElectroEntrapment.zip 100 MB
Mar 29, 2020

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